Crop Pest Apply Rate and Period WHP
APPLE Codling Moth

(Cydia pomonella)


Apple Ermine

(Yponomeuta malinellus)

20 ml/100 L water,Larva


15 ml/100 L water,Larva

14 days
GRAIN (CEREAL) Sunn Pest (Eurygaster spp.)



15 ml / ha

1-3 & 4-5 period imago

14 days




tychius hordei)

15 ml/ha 14 days

Aelia (Aelia spp.)

45 ml/ha

winter imago,

2-5.period nymph new gen imago

14 days
SUGAR BEET Cassida (Cassida spp.) 15-20 ml/ha 14 days
Plant Hopper (Empoas


ecipiens,Asymmetrasca decedens


15-20 ml/ha


14 days
Cleonus (Cleonus spp.) 40-50 ml/ha 14 days
CORN European Corn Borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis) 40 ml/ha,larva

(Start usage when first eggs detected. 3 usages every 15 days advised.


14 days
Greater Sugarcane Borer

(Sesamia spp.)

TOMATO Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) 50 ml/ha 14 days
HAZELNUT Hazelnut Weevil (Curculio nucum) 40 ml/ha 14 days
OLIVE Olive Fruit Fly (Dacus oleae) 25 ml/100 L water 14 days
*VINEYARD Vine Weevil

(Otiorhynchus spp.)

30 ml/100 L water 7 days
COTTON Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) 200 ml/ ha, larva 14 days

* Do not use on vine leave crops for consumption


Apple – Codling Moth: Applying the preparate should be based on estimation and early remarks. The goal in this process is to keep the plant disinfected so that hatched larva can be exterminated before it can penetrate the fruit.

Apple Ermine: Should be used if there are more than 4 larva clusters (webbed or penetrated in the epidermis) in 100 leave bouquets.

Grain (Cereal) -Sunn Pest: Can be applied after some evaluations and the sunn pest is detected on the field.

Grain (Cereal) -Aelia: Before usage there should be a counting in at least 10 ¼ m2 squares in a 5 decare field. If in 1 m2 there is an average of either 2 winter imagos, 10 2.-5. Period nymphs or new generation nymphs application should be started.

Grain (Cereal) -Coleoptera: Should be used 10 days after sprouting.

Corn – European Corn Borer and Greater Sugarcane Borer: Applied upon first detection of the eggs. 3 usages should be made every 15 days.

Tomato – Cotton Bollworm: Due to the size of the field, 50 – 100 tomato plants should be inspected. If there are more than 5 plants in the 100 are infected, preparate should be applied.

Hazelnut Weevil: If in the inspections that have been made when the fruits reach 2cm in diameter, more than 2 hazelnut weevils are found, preparate should be applied.

Olive Fruit Fly: In the phase in which the fruits reach the ripeness to be egged, there should be an egg cluster count. If used for an edible quality crop, it is more than %1, and in oil quality it is more than %5-8, preparate should be applied.

Vine Weevil: At early spring, if %40 or more of the vineyard is contaminated, preparate should be applied.

Cotton Bollworm: Randomly selected 3 meter wide long plants should be checked for eggs and larvae. If there are more than 2 larvae are found in each 3m wide proportionally, preparate should be applied.

MIXING: Can be mixed besides highly alcali based preparates. Pre-mix test advised when using with other preparates.