Crop Pest Apply Rate WHP
Apple Apple Scab (Venturia inaequalis)


200 ml /100 l water 3 days
Cucumber Downy Mildew of Cucurbits(Pseudoperonospora cubensis)


250 ml /100 l water 3 days
Sugar Beet Leeaf Spot (Cercospora beticola)


300 ml / da


3 days
Tomato (field/greenhouse) Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) 175 ml/100 l water 3 days
Apricot Shot Hole Disease (Wilsonomyces carpophylus) 200 ml/100 I water

(Normal & dormant stage)


56 days



Apple Scab:

1st Application: Blooming stage

2nd Application: Pink bud burst stage

3rd Application: Petal falls upto %70

4th and other applications should be made every 10 days considering the climate conditions and preparate’s sustainability.


Downy Mildew of Cucurbits:

Application should be started when symptoms are first detected. Next applications should be made every 8-10 days according to the level of the disease.


Sugar Beet Leaf Spot:

Application should be started if from 10 of each randomly selected leaves from the %5 of the field shows spots.

Applications should be repeated every 10-14 days.


Tomato – Late Blight:

Application should be started when symptoms are first detected. Next applications should be made every 10-12 days according to the level of the disease.


Apricot – Shot Hole Disease:

1st Application: Dormant stage (right after leaf cast)

2nd Application: Normal stage (pink anthesis)

3rd Application: When calyculus and male organ is seperated on the tip of the fruit



Can be mixed with insecticides and fungicides that has been formulised as WP using a tank. Should not be mixed with high alcali based preparates. A test with a pre-mix of few dosages is advised. If the pre-mix shows seperation or decantation then preparates should be used seperately. Mixtures should be used without holding. Mixing with surfectants, foliar fertilizers and more than 2 pesticides is not advised.