Crop Controlled Weed Apply Rate
Wheat, Barley Cowherb (Vaccaria   pyramidata)

Henbit Deadnettle (Lamium   amplexicaule)

Corn Buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis)

Common Poppy (Papaver   rhoeas)

Bird’s Eye Cress (Myagrum   perfoliatum)

Wild Bishop (Bifora   radians)

Creeping Thistle (Cirsium   arvense)

Yellow Weed (Boreava   orientalis)

Woad (Isatis tinctoria)

Common Vetch (Vicia sativa)

Wild Radish (Raphanus   raphanistrum)

Wild Mustard (Sinapis   arvensis)

Corn Betstraw (Galium tricornutum)

Blue Woodruff (Asperula arvensis)

Yellow Ball Mustard (Neslia paniculata)

Corn Gromwell (Buglossoides arvensis)

Weed Silene (Silene conoidea)

Cranesbill ( Geranium tuberosum)

1 g/da
Wheat, Barley Low Cornflower

(Centaurea depressa)

1,5 g/da or 1g+%0.2 Diffuser adhesive



*Should not be used on crops damaged from abnormal weather conditions or drought.

Can be used safely from the grain’s 2-leaved stage till stipule stage (Anther inside the stipule). Since SUNABERON 75 WG is flexible regarding practice times, application period should be decided through the controlled weed’s growth time. Best result can be obtained if application is started when the weeds are at 2-leaved stage, before they reach 15 cm in lenght or diameter, and when the weeds are not covered with the grain. In low cornflower dense areas, application should be started when the plant is at 7-8 leaves, and reached 8-9 cm diameter.

SUNABERON 75 WG is consumed by the weeds through the roots and green components. Its effect on soil is brief. Weed growth stops shortly after the application. Nevertheless, total decease can take 1-3 weeks due to growth conditions and receptivity of the weed. A 2-hour dry spell after the application ensures optimal conditions for the weed’s control. While hot and humid conditions accelerates the effects of SUNABERON 75, cold and dry conditions decelerates them. SUNABERON 75 WG is not volatile or flammable, and does not corrode spraying machines.

SUNABERON 75 WG is used on wheat and barley for controlling wide-leaved weeds, which is highly selective, has a wide range effect and used in small dosages.

Crop Alternation :

Any cultivar can be planted after SUNABERON 75 WG application.


Can be mixed with surfactants in any dosage. In fact, this may increase the effect on the plants, and effect to occur faster. Can also be mixed with 2,4-D Ester ve Amin compuond preparates.