Ornamental Plants American Serpentine Leafminer (Liyriomyza trifolii) 25 ml/100 l water 7 days
Cotton Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 50 ml/da 21 days
Tomato Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 25 ml/da 3 days
Cucumber (Greenhouse) Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus spp.) 25 ml/100 l water 3 days
Pepper (Greenhouse) Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus spp.) 25 ml/100 l water 3 days
Eggplant (Greenhouse) Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus spp.) 25 ml/100 l water 3 days
Strawberry Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 25 ml/100 l water 3 days
Apple European Red Spider Mite (Panoncyhus ulmi) 25 ml/100 l water 7 days
Pear Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla pyri) 75 ml/100 l water



Ornamental Plants – American Serpentine Leafminer: Application should be started when the first symptoms occur. Application can be repeated when necessary. There should be 7 day laps between applications.

Cotton -Red Spiter Mites: Plants should be inspected and controlled around 4-6 leaved phase to decide application period. If the pest infection is local or partial, only these parts should be applied with the preparate. If there is a ratio of 5-10 pest for each leaf, application should be started.

Tomato, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber – Red Spider Mites: If there is a ratio of 3-5 pests for each leaf on tomato, eggplant and cucumber, and 1-3 pests for each leaf on pepper, application should be started.

Strawberry – Two Spotted Spider Mite: Early Phase: Application should be made on parts that the pest is a problem every year. Application should be made before the fruits are ripened. Early phase application is safer due to no residue on the plant will be apparent.

On Season: In cases where there has not been an early phase application, outdoor fields should be inspected in the beginning of the season (early April) 3-5 days apart. Application on areas where Red Spider Mites can be spotted on the plants is sufficient in this phase. If the population arises, 50 leaves representing the whole field should be inspected. If there are more than 15 mites for each leaf, application should be started. Application is made right after the picking season. Harvest should be made considering the witholding period after the last application.

Pear – Pear Psylla: Application should be started when egg clusters are mostly hatched, 2. – 3. Phase nymphs can be spotted, and if more than 15 tillers are contaminated. One individual pest is enough for considering the tiller to be contaminated.

Apple – European Red Spider Mite: Inspections should be made on 100 leaves that are periodically made starting from early May. If there more than 8-10 pests per each leaf, application should be started.


Plant Endurance: Used as advised and on right dosages, controlled plants tolerate the preparate well. In case of hesitation and application on tender and new plants, pre-mix tests on endurance is advised.



Should be tested before mixing with other preparates. Should not be mixed with alcali reactive preparates.