Crop Pest Apply Rate WHP
Cotton * Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) 150 ml/da


7 days


**Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae)


50 ml/da

Nymph, imago

Apple Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) 20 ml/100 L water


3 days
Apple Ermine (Yyponomeuta malinellus) 10 ml/100 L water


*** Vineyard European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana)


20 ml/100 L water


   7 days
Corn Greater Sugarcane Borer (Sesamia spp.) 30 ml/da


(3 applications every 15 days)

14 days
European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) 30 ml/da


(3 applications every 15 days)

Cutworm (Agrotis spp.) 50 ml/da (Larva)
Potato Colorado Potato Beetle

(Leptinotarsa decemlineata)

40 ml/da

Larva and imago

3 days
Sugar Beet Cassida (Cassida spp.)


25 ml/da (imago)    3 days
Wheat Sunn Pest (Eurygaster spp.) 20 ml/da

1-3. ve 4-5. Nymph period

14 days
Wheat Weevil

(Pachytychius hordei)

25 ml/da Imago
Cereal Leaf Beetle (Zabrus spp.) 50 ml/da Larva


Tomato Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) 50 ml/da (Larva) 3 days
Cabbage Diamondback Moth

(Plutella maculipennis)

25 ml/da (Larva) 2 days
Pistachio Pistachio Psylla

(Agonoscena pistaciae)

20 ml/100 L water (Nymph) 3 days
Olive Olive Moth

(Prays oleae)

15 ml/100 L water


3 days
Hazelnut Hazelnut Weevil (Curculio nucum)


50 ml/da


7 days

 *Do not use in Mediterranean region.

**Can only be used in Aegean region.

*** Do not use on vine leave crops for consumption.



Cotton Bollworm: Application should be started when appr. 2 larva or eggs are

found out of randomly picked 3m long rows of the plant.

Cotton – Red Spider Mite: Surveys should be started when the plant grows

upto 4-6 leaves to determine when the application should start. If the pest is present

in the field only locally and partially, these specific parts should be applied with the

preparate. If the pest infection is present throughout the whole field, if the pest

density per leaf is 5 or more in Mediterranean region, and 10 or more in Aegean

and Southeast region, application should be started.

Apple – Coddling Moth: Applying the preparate should be based on estimation and early remarks. The goal in this process is to keep the plant disinfected so that hatched larvae can be exterminated before it can penetrate the fruit.

Apple Ermine: If there are 4 larvae clusters out of 100 compound leaves, the application should be started.

European Grapevine Moth: Application periods should be determined based on estimation – caution system. For larvicide applications, captured moth count in traps should start falling after peaking, and effective temperature sum should be 120 days – degrees on 1st offspring, dusk temperature should be above 15C 2 days in a row and these factors should be continous. Effective temperature should reach 520 days – degrees on 2nd offspring, and 1047 days – degrees on 3rd offspring. Vine phenology should be at anthesis stage at 1st offspring, unripe stage at 2nd offspring, and sweetening stage at 3rd offspring. Application is started when the first larvae is detected. Preparate should be applied on each offspring.

Corn – Greater Sugarcane Borer and European Corn Borer: First application is started when first eggs are spotted, and 2 more applications are made 15 days apart.

Potato – Colorado Potato Beetle: When daily average temperatures reach upto 14-150C, the field should be inspected diagonally for eggs, larva and imagos. The field is considered contaminated if there is any find of the pest at any period. Before starting applications to the 1st offspring, grown larva (4th period) should be spotted on the plant. Application on 2nd offspring should be started after the egg hatchings are complete. At this stage, depending on the contamination density, the damage may be tolerated by the plant therefore an application may not be necessary. Studies show that the pest damage done on the leaves, appr. %20, can be tolerated by the plant and there will not be a decrease in the crop quantity. This rate can go upto %40 depending on the growth and phenological period of the plant.

Wheat – Cereal Leaf Beetle: Surface application should be made.

Wheat Weevil: Application is made 10 days after germination.

Wheat – Sunn Pest: Application should be decided after the pest is detected and upon counts and evaluations.

Tomato – Cotton Bollworm: The field is inspected diagonally for around 50-100 plants depending on the size of the field. If 5 out of a 100 plants are contaminated either on the flower part, leaf, fruit or the stem, application should be started.

Cabbage – Diamonback Moth: The field is inspected diagonally, a plant every 10 steps. If the contamination can be spotted broadly, application should be started.

Olive Moth: Application is not advised to anthopagus (1st generation). In the years that the crop quantity is low and at pre-season, application can be made if there are more than %10 damage on the plant. Preferably, only application should be made at carphopagus (2nd generation). If more than %10 of the lentil sized fruits are contaminated with eggs or larvae, application should be made.

Pistachio Psyllids: Application should be started if out of 100 compound leaves 20-30 nymphs can be spotted upon weekly inspections, if egg clusters are mostly hatched, before first imago parasitoid appearance and a sticky layer (fumagine) on the leaf surface is formed.

MIXING: SUNALDA can be mixed with a wide range of insecticides, acaricides and fungicides. Pre-mix test is advised before mixing in high scales.

Sunidox 150 SC®