Crop Pest Apply Rate and Period WHP
Tomato (Greenhouse) Silverleaf Whitefly

(Bemisia tabaci)

50 ml/ 100 l water (larva) 3 days
Peach Mulberry Scale


eudaulacaspis pentagona)

50 ml/ 100 l water (larva) 14 days
Eggplant Silverleaf Whitefly

(Bemisia tabaci)

50 ml/ da water (larva) 3 days
Pepper (Greenhouse) Silverleaf Whitefly

(Bemisia tabaci)

50 ml/ 100 l water (larva) 3 days
Cotton Silverleaf Whitefly

(Bemisia tabaci)

50 ml/ da water (larva) 28 days
Olive Olive Scale

(Seissetia oleae)

50 ml/ 100 l water (larva)  

14 days

Cucumber (Greenhouse) Silverleaf Whitefly

(Bemicia tabaci)

50 ml/ 100 l water (larva) 3 days


Preserves its effect as an insect regulator for 20-30 days. Prevents larva and nymph growth and exterminates them during the alteration period.

Application should be made after the morning dew or in the evening chillness. Can be sprayed with any device.

Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper, Eggplant – Silverleaf Whitefly: 50 leaves from each part of the plant (low – mid – high sections) should be collected for inspection and if there are more than 5 larva/pupa, application should be started.

Peach – Mulberry Scale: Used on 1st and 2nd offspring. First application should be made when first larva are spotted. One more application can be made 20 days later considering some type of peaches may have reached harvest phase.

Olive Scale: Application should start considering larva detections. First application should be made when %50 of the eggs hatch, 2nd if necessary when %90 of the eggs hatch, on tillers that have reached 20-25 cm.

Cotton – Silverleaf Whitefly: 50 leaves from each part of the plant (low – mid – high sections) should be collected for inspection and if there are more than 5 larva/pupa, application should be started.

MIXING: Can be mixed besides alcali based preparates. Pre-mix test is advised before mixing.

Sunidox 150 SC®