Crop Pest Apply Rate WHP


Apple Scab

(Venturla inaequallis)

800 g/100 L water if stem is infected

400g/100 L water, no stem infection

21 days


Pear Pear Scab (Venturia pirina)     800 g/100 L water, if stem is infected

400g/100 L water, no stem infection

21 days
European Pear Rust

(Gymnosporongium fuscum)      

400 g/100 L water 21 days
Apricot Shot Hole

(Wilsonomyces carpophilus)

400g/100 L water normal period

800g/100 L water dormant period

21 days
Peach Shot Hole

(Wilsonomyces carpophilus)

800 g/100 L water 1st application

400 g/100 L water 2nd application

21 days
Leaf Curl (Taphrina deformans ) 800 g/100 L water 21 days
Plum Pocket Plum

(Taphrina   pruni)

800g/ 100 L water 21 days
Pistachio Leaf / Fruit Spot

(Pseudocercospora pistacina)

500g/l00 L water 21 days
Citrus Mal Secco (Phoma tracheiphila) 400g/100 L water 21 days
Olive Olive Leaf Spot (Spilocaea oleaginum) 400g/100 L water 21 days
Vineyard* Grapevine Downy Mildew

(Plasmopara viticola)

300 g/100 L water 1st application

500 g/100 L water 2nd application

21 days


Grape Anthracnose

(Elsinoe ampelina)

300 g/100 L water 1st application

500 g/100 L water 2nd application

21 days




Tomato Late Blight** (Phythophthora infestans) 300 g/ 100 L water 14 days
Bacterial Canker

(Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato)

300 g/100 L water 1st application

400 g/100 L water 2nd application

14 days
Bacterial Spot

(Xanthomonas vesicatoria)

300 g/100 L water 1st application

400 g/100 L water 2nd application

14 days
Potato Late Blight

(Phytophthora infestans)

300g/100 L water 14 days
Beans Antrachnose

(Colletotrichum lindemuthianum)

500 g/ 100 L water 14 days

(Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli)

300 g/ 100 L water 14 days
Halo Blight

(Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolica)

300 g/ 100 L water 14 days

Eggplant, Potato

Early Blight

(Alternaria solani)

500g/100 L water 14 days
Peanut Early Leaf Spot

(Cercospora arachidicola)

400g/100 L water 14 days
Seedlings Damping-off and root rot (Phythium spp.,Rhizoctonia spp.,Fusarium spp. Alternaria spp.,Sclerotina spp. Phytophthora spp.) 300 g/100 L water 1st application

500 g/100 L su 2nd application


14 days



 Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot

(Pseudomonas syrinngae pv.lachrymans)

300g/100 L water


14 days
Hop Mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli) 500g/100 L water 14 days
Safflower Leaf Spot (Alternaria carthami) 300g/100 L water 14 days
Tobacco Damping-off (Rhizoctania solani, Fusariım spp., Phythium spp., Alternaria spp., Sclerotinia sclerotium) 400 g/100 L water 14 days


* Do not use on vine leave crops for consumption.

** Because it may cause a slack of growth on tomatoes, usage of copper based preparates should be avoided in dry climate conditions. 1-2 applications at the most should be made with copper based preparates on areas free of organic fungicides.


Apple Scab:

1st application: Blooming stage (3-5 days before if stem is infected)

2nd application: Pink bud burst stage (flowers are seperately spotted)

3rd application: Petal falls upto %70

4th and other applications should be made every 15 days considering the climate state and preparate’s sustainability.

Pear Scab:

1st application: Blooming Stage (3-5 days before if stem is infected)

2nd application: White bud burst stage

3rd application: Petal falls upto %70

4th and other applications should be made every 10 days considering the climate state and preparate’s sustainability.

European Pear Rust:

1st application: Right before blooming stage,

2nd application: White bud stage

3rd application: Petal fall upto %80

Although usually 3 applications are enough, if its a rainy spring, applications can be continued considering the effect period of the preparate until the rains end.

Shot Hole (Apricot, Peach):

1st application: After petal falls in autumn,

2nd application: Before pink bud stage in spring.

Additionally for apricot, 3rd application should be made when the calyculus and anther peels through the tip of the fruit.

Peach – Leaf Curl: An application is made when the buds swell.

Plum – Pocket Plum:

1st application: When buds swelll

2nd application: When petal falls upto %80

Pistachio – Leaf / Fruit Spot:

1st application: If it will be applied as a preservative, application must be started before first infection, when leaves start to bloom. If it will be applied as a therapeutic, application should be started when fruits have reached 2cm in diameter, and the leaves are fully bloomed.

2nd and other applications: Should be made 15 days apart considering preparate’s effect durations and rain conditions.

Citrus – Mal Secco :

Green component applications: 3 applications at October, December and March should be made.

Soil applications: Besides the green components, 1 application at October on densely infected plants can be made.

Olive Leaf Spot:

Marmara region;

1st application: Right before autumn tillers are spotted.

2nd application: After inflorescences are apparent and before blooming.

Aegean region;

1st application: Right before autumn tillers are spotted.

2nd application: After inflorescences are apparent and before blooming.

Mediterranean region;

1st application: After harvest

2nd application: Right before autumn tillers are spotted.

3rd application: After inflorescences are apparent and before blooming.

Grapevine Downy Mildew :

1st application: When tillers reach 15-20 cm in lenght.

2nd and other applications: Should be made 15 after the last application, considering climate conditions for the pest’s infection suitability. If the conditions are not suitable for the pest, application should be stopped.

Vine anthracnose:

Winter application: Should be made after the vines are pruned, and before blooming.

Summmer application: When applied with vine mildew accordingly to phenology, a summer application for the antrachnose will not be necessary. In case of a need for a seperate application, following program is applied;

1st application: when tillers are at 5-10 cm lenght,

2nd and other applications: Made considering the effect duration of previosly used preparate. Applications are continued till barries reach half of their ripe size. Not used during blooming period.

Tomato Late Blight: Application should be started when 3-5mm brown stains with white spread underneath are spotted on the leaves.

Tomato – Bacterial Canker: Application should be started after contamination symptoms occur in the field or the seedbed, and should be repeated weekly during the seedling stage. Applied 3 times in field 8-10 days apart. Application number can be increased in greenhouses.

Tomato – Bacterial Spot: Application is made through green components of the plant. Application should be started after contamination symptoms occur in the field or the seedbed, and should be repeated weekly during the seedling stage. Applied 3 times in field 8-10 days apart.

Potato – Late Blight: Application should be started when convenient climate conditions like moist occur for the pest to emerge, or contamination symptoms are spotted. Applications should be repeated every 10 days considering the density of the contamination.

Bean – Anthracnose: Application should be started when first contamination symptoms occur in the region. Application is contunied considering the density of the disease, climate conditions and preparate’s effect duration. It’s important that all green compounds of the plant is sprayed.

Bean – Blights : Should be applied 2-3 times every week before or when first symptoms of the contamination are spotted.

Tomato, Eggplant and Potato – Early Blight: Application should be started when first symptoms occur either in the seedbed or in the field. Applications are repeated every 10 days considering the climate condition and the disease’s progress.

Peanut – Early Leaf Spot: Application should be started 4-5 weeks after planting, where the contamination grows every year, and can be continued till harvest.

Seedling – Damping-off and Root Rot: Applied with seed and soil.

Seed Application: Used on seeds before planting.

Soil Application: Before planting, after planting when seedlings emerge on soil, and after seedlings are baffled on the field or the greenhouse.

Cucumber – Angular Leaf Spot: Application should be made 3 times every 10 days before or right when the first symptoms of contamination are detected.

Hop – Mildew: Applications should be started when tillers reach to 75-100 cm in spring. Process is repeated weekly until blooming. At blooming stage, process is repeated every 10 days till cocoon stage.

Safflower – Leaf Spot: Application should be started when the first symptoms are detected.

Tobacco – Damping-off: Applications should be made when seeds are planted and covered with fertilizer or after the seedlings emerge and first symptoms are spotted. Applications made when contamination symptoms are decected should be continued weekly till transplantation phase.


Can be mixed with Cymoxanil, Methiram, Folpet compuond preparates. Mixing not advised with Chlorpyrifos, Malathion, Parathion-methyl, Phosmet, Dodine, Dinocap, Carbamat compound fungicides. Pre-mix test is advised before mixing in high scales.